Saturday, June 12, 2021

Knit in Public Day 2021

Today is Knit in Public Day 2021 and there's a debate on whether or not we're still in a pandemic.  Since the pandemic started last year, there has been some major pandemic fatigue going on in my country.  Fortunately, in my county (and state), we have been very lucky to have enough vaccines readily available to the general public and at least half of all eligible folks have been vaccinated to date (if not a little more but we're not at herd immunity yet).  And with summer well on its way, everyone wants to get out (and travel) so, things (and people!) are slowly going back to its pre-pandemic ways.  Whatever the case may really be (I still believe we are still in a pandemic and it ain't over yet), since I've been thriving during the pandemic (being at home all the time)this is (still) where I have been knitting and where I am knitting today on Knit in Public Day:

Looking out my lanai (that's pretty public by the way because you can see me from the street!), enjoying our beautiful weather and (still) reveling being at home all the time!🎉😍 đŸ™Œ

Yes, I'm still living it up being at home all the time đŸ™ŒđŸ˜ and am now dreading the day I need to physically go back to work and be out and about again. 

Here's to more beautiful knitting days!😍🎉

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