Saturday, October 15, 2016

Crochet: The Hook Obsession Continues

It's official!  Hubby has H.A.S. (hook acquisition syndrome)!  He was so intrigued by the Bates and Boye battle that wanted to he pick up these (like yesterday):
Apparently, we had a complete set of Boye hooks (thanks to his mom and Obaachan) so, he wanted a complete set of Susan Bates to see what the commotion was all about.  However, when we received them, we found that they were incredibly sharp (so sharp it felt like if you crocheted with it you would (keep) cutting your yarn!).  With a little on-line researching (yes, he was so intrigued (and impatient) to pick these up that we just bought these on E-bay without really researching or looking into them), we found that the newer Susan Bates are really sharp and junk! :(  He tried to sand it down and dull it a bit but it didn't work:
So, he got these from Etsy (size D, E, F, G & H):
Because the original set we picked up was made in Mexico and were such a disappointment, he made sure this time that these were made in the USA.  They were new-old stock and they're very good in-line hooks; they're smooth and well finished.  The made in Mexico hooks we bought are completely different hooks (and he could see that if these were his first set of hooks how he would never learn how to crochet and that's how terrible they are!)!  He totally recommends getting the Made in the USA hooks and it's worth paying more to get these older hooks than buying the newer (junkier) hooks.  Here's his US made hook in action:
He also found this, a Japanese branded hook, Pentapo (size D) and ordered it along with his USA made hooks:
It was the fact that it was a Japanese hook and that the head was shaped differently that intrigued him enough to pick it up.  Hubby says that its a really good inline hook and he really likes the pointiness of the head on this hook as it makes it easier to push through the stitches.  Here it is in action:
And, to add to his "natural" (wood) collection, he picked up these from our favorite yarn shop:
Two (2) more pairs (each) of Brittany hooks (size D & F) and Bryspun (szie E & G)

To top it off, I found this at our favorite on-line pen retailer, JetPens:
It's to hold his growing collection of hooks and is a perfect homage to one of his favorite hobbies! ;)

He's growing his collection (and now has something to hold it in)! ;P

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