Monday, September 5, 2016

Who Would've Thought ...

You might've notice in my last blog (about my new Denise Needles) that I mentioned that my new organizer (dubbed Monsta) that I had said in one of the pouches, it held all my crochet hooks and Hubby's too.  And that's so true - Hubby has decided that he would be taking up crochet so he can also enjoy all my "yarny goodness". :P

I was so shocked initially, I didn't know what to make of this or if he was just joking and teasing me.  However, if anyone know my Hubby, once he puts his mind to something, he goes all out.  He picked up books from the library on how to crochet, he's been researching on the web about crochet hooks, techniques, and basically how to get himself started.  All this while not asking me to teach him how to crochet (no, I'm not offended).  One thing I've learned over the years is that Hubby needs to learn and do things his own way.  There's no getting around that. :P  All I've done was point him to a few websites, some crochet blogs that I've been following (hey!  I'm a sucker for amigurimi stuff! :P), and have looked at his work when requested.

So, first off, Hubby tried all my crochet hooks and with his carpal tunnel, found that the cheap inherited ones I've got (Boye or Susan Bates) were too hard on his hands.  The Clover Takumi Bamboo ones I bought were too sticky.  I told him that one of the bloggers I read, love the Clover Amour hooks.  So, off we went to our favorite yarn shop to pick up one.  
Clover Amour (H)
Once we got home, off he went on "testing" it out.  At that point, he finally learned how to cast on and made this ginormous chain (with very even tension, I must say! :)). :P  By then, he was getting the feel of the hooks and discovered that he didn't care for the blunt head on the Clover Amour.  So back to my stash of hooks to see what all the different heads looked like.  He finally determined that he liked the pointier head on the Clover Takumi's but hated how "sticky" the bamboo was with the test yarn I gave him to try out (Caron Simply Soft Camo).  I warned him that the stickiness could be a combo of the bamboo and the yarn and that depending on the yarn, it wouldn't be so sticky.  Nevertheless, off we went (again) back to our favorite yarn shop and he picked up these hooks:
from bottom to top:
Clover Soft Touch (7 4.5MM)
Bryspun Palmwood (H)
Mystery Pink Plastic Hook (H)

And off he went (again) to test out his new hooks.  By this juncture, he finally got past casting on and making chains to making his first row! :)  He's even got to the 2nd and 3rd row on a mini test of his.  
But, what I think he enjoys the most is ripping it back out and starting over! :P lol :)  

To top it off, while he knows how I have a bag and accessory bag obsession, he now has a better understanding of why I'm always in search of the perfect knitting bag.  He was carrying his "project" in the pocket of his work bag and the yarn slowly was unraveling in his bag.  He found an accessory bag that I was using to hold something else when it finally dawned on him that he could get his own accessory bag.  So, we picked up this for him:
It's a Klein electrician's bag; manly enough to hold his crochet project ;)
It's so interesting to see how he's enjoying the whole learning and discovery process. :)  It's so cute. :P  More posts to come as he progresses! ;)


  1. Interesting. I still prefer the clover soft touch as my favorite.

    1. That's really interesting ... Hubby is finding out that he really likes the Brittany and Bryspun the best so far. He's even thinking of getting more hooks in these brands (look for more posts to come! ;))
