Thursday, February 4, 2016

Spoils From Savers

Today, I visited my local Savers and amazingly, today was a knitter's paradise! :)

As soon as I walked in, there was yarn ... e-v-e-r-y where!!  There was yarn at the counter by the registers; on the wall by the windows; and more yarn was to be found at its usual location.  Yarn was literally everywhere in the store!!  Fortunately (or is it more like unfortunately?), most of the yarn were full skeins of various colours of Red Heart yarn.  There were some interesting non-acrylic yarn but most wasn't that enticing.  However, I did find this:
 Look at how much it originally cost:
What a steal!!! :D

Then, I took a look at the books (as I always do since you just never know what you'll find) and there was an amazing array of knitting books! :)  It was like someone was cleaning out their stash (yarn and books) and dropped it all off at Savers! :P

After spending almost an hour (or more like forever to my poor Hubby) sorting through all the knitting books, I ended up picking these puppies up for $2.99 each!

Man, what a deal! :)  Three (3) books and one (1) skein of super cool sock yarn - all for $15.66! :D  I soooo lucked out today (and made off like a bandit! ;))!! :)  Savers is really amazing! :P


  1. That is a great deal you got! Never found sock yarn. My best find was Noro yarn in worsted weight. The knitting books were great too. Yay!!!

    Btw zippys has turkey neck soup....FYI.

    1. Wow! Finding a whole skein of Noro is pretty good too! I totally lucked out on the sock yarn (& colour of it) and the books (ie more projects! :P). :)

      And thanks for the food tip! ;) *yum*
