Sunday, November 29, 2015

My 2015 Yearly Recap

Another whole year has passed and like last year, I thought it'd be a great idea to sum up (again) with what I've been up to:

What I've made:
  1. Finished my sweater (in December 2015).
  2. Three (3) pairs of socks for my hubby:
  3. wrap for my mother. 
  4. Two (2) pairs of socks for myself:
  5. Participated in (and finished!) a Summer Bag KAL.
  6. Finished a two-part Christmas gift for my friend and dolly blankets for my little cousins (a post on this is coming shortly - don't want to spoil someone's Christmas gift! ;)).
  7. Started working on a "baby" blanket (another post that will be forthcoming (most likely in the new year)).
Other things that also "happened":
  1. I went on a Japan Yarn Crawl.
  2. Bought more stash, stash, stash, and stash!! and toys, (and more) toys!!
  3. Created (and bought) more stitch markers! :)
  4. Received an awesome knitted gift from my friend, D. :)
Thankfully, I didn't manage to injure myself (again) this year! :P  At the very least, I (managed) to learn from last year! :P lol :)

Wow ... Looking back, I'm amazed at how much I have managed to accomplish in a year (although I must admit: It sure doesn't feel like it during the year! :P). :)  And, from my list above, it sure looks like I accomplished my goal from last year to shrink down my sock yarn stash (well, sort of at least!). :)  Frighteningly enough though, I have managed to amass quite a bit of stash this year! *yikes!*  So, it looks like my New Year's resolution for next year is to shrink that sweater stash (and perhaps not add to my stash? - is this possible?? ;P).  We'll see how that turns out! :)  Plus, I need to think about Christmas gifts for next year too! :P

Wish me luck! :)

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