Thursday, December 30, 2021

牡丹雪 (Botan Yuki or Giant Snowflakes)

I recently received an email from one of my favorite indie shops: Flax & Twine about decorating for the up-coming holiday season and they had a new kit out to make: G-I-A-N-T Snowflakes!  It intrigued me so much that I decided to look into it.  I showed Hubby what they had and he said that I should try to make some (even if it wouldn't show up well as my background around my desk area since it was already so "white".  I contemplated to see if I should pick up cotton/linen yarn but, I did have some white-coloured polyester yarn already.  Hubbs said that why don't I try making one and we can use Elmer's glue to stiffen it as that was always my MIL's go to choice when she stiffened the collection of snowflakes she gave to us.  Since I was between projects at that time, I decided I would try my hand at crochet and try to make (at least) one (1) giant snowflake.  So, I started with the Simple Snowflake.  After a few false starts, it took me maybe 1-2 hrs to finish it.  Here's what it looks like unblocked:

And Blocked:

Now that I can see how well it blocked out, I decided that I would try another snowflake and here's how it went:

Dainty Snowflake:

I started this snowflake and Hubs actually didn't like how it looked so, I only did the center part (the part that he really liked).


By the time I finished this, it was already the holidays so, I started to hang up my MIL's crocheted snowflakes and when I hung mine up next to hers, it looked ... off. 😳😱🤦😭  I realized that it looked "off" because I didn't use linen/cotton yarn.  I had used some leftover (fuzzy) polyester yarn so, while it looks ok in a flat 1-D picture, it really didn't look nearly as nice as my MIL's snowflakes. 🤦😭  I think I'm going to put these giant snowflakes on "hold" for a while until I can find the right type of yarn to make these - I might just need to break down and buy the proper type of yarn before I try again. 😳🤦😭🤷😁🧶

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