First, I had to figure out exactly what kind of sweater I wanted to make. Because the yarn itself was a colorful gradient-ish yarn, I figured if I made the simplest of sweaters, it could work out nicely with the yarn. Thus, my first yoke sweater was born. Then I had to figure out how to actually make it. After doing a few searches and rummaging around the web a bit, I found: The Yoke-u-lator! Based on the instructions/"guidance" for The Yoke-u-lator and some guidelines from Ann Budd's Knitter's Handy Book of Top Down Sweaters, here's what I did:
- Using the Twilight yarn (aka Yarn A), I casted on 210 stitches and joined in the round.
- Row 1: Start the first round with a 1x1 ribbing using Yarn A.
- Row 2: Continue 1x1 ribbing pattern using the Maroon yarn (aka Yarn B).
- Row 3-5 (3 rows): Continue in pattern switching from Yarn A to Yarn B until the ribbing is x cm (x in), ending in Yarn A.
- Row 6: With Yarn B, switch to stockinette stitch.
- Row 7: With Yarn A, continue stockinette stitch, increasing 12 stitches evenly over the round (additional 17 stitches, total 227)
- Row 8-10 (3 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending with Yarn B.
- Row 11: With Yarn A, increase 11 stitches evenly over the round (additional 20 stitches, for a total of 247).
- Row 12-16 (5 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending in Yarn B.
- Row 17: With Yarn A, increase 11 stitches evenly over the round (additional 22 stitches, for a total of 269).
- Row 18-26 (9 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending in Yarn B.
- Row 27: With Yarn A, increase 11 stitches evenly over the round (additional 24 stitches, for a total of 293).
- Row 28-30 (3 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending in Yarn B.
- Row 31: With Yarn A, increase 6 stitches evenly over the round (additional 49 stitches, for a total of 342).
- Row 32-42 (11 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending in Yarn B.
- Row 43: With Yarn A, increase 12 stitches evenly over the round (additional 28 stitches, for a total of 370).
- Row 44-56 (13 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending in Yarn B.
- Row 57: With Yarn A, increase 12 stitches evenly over the round (additional 30 stitches, for a total of 400).
- Row 58-66 (9 rows): Starting with Yarn B, k in the round and alternating with Yarn A, ending in Yarn B.
- Row 67: Time to split the sleeves from the body! K 119 sts & place a marker; slip 102 sts onto another knitting cable to "make" the first sleeve. Cast on 43 sts and join it to the "back" side. K 120 sts & place a marker; slip 102 sts onto another knitting cable to "make the second sleeve. Cast on 43 sts and join it to the "front"s side.
- Row 68-75 (9 rows): k139, p3, k126, p3, k20 (291 sts)
- Row 76: k137, k2tog, p3, k126, p3, k20 (290 sts)
- Row 77-88 (12 rows): k138, p3, k126, p3, k20 (290 sts)
- Row 89: k136, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k123, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k18 (287 sts)
- Row 90: k the knits, p the purls (287 sts)
- Row 91: k135, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k120, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k17 (282 sts)
- Row 92: k the knits, p the purls (282 sts)
- Row 93: k134, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k118, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k16 (278 sts)
- Row 94-224 (130 rows): k the knits, p the purls (278 sts)
- Row 225-240 (15 rows): k, p to create a 1x1 ribbing (278 sts)
- Bind off bottom.
As I was nearing the bottom of the sweater, I realized that I would not have enough yarn for the sleeves (much less the rest of the bottom of the sweater!). So, off I went to the same place in which I picked up Yarn A to buy a substitute variation of it: 30 Egyptian. While it wasn't quite exactly the same, it was close enough to the coloration and gradation of Yarn A. It had to do since I needed more yarn for sleeves (and it was seriously my only option anyways)!
Now time for The Sleeves. I initially picked up 25 sts for each sleeve and started the sleeves. As they grew longer, something was just wrong with my sleeves - they were oddly puffy! So, I ripped out my sleeves and started again. I found that I had to initially start with a different number of stitches for each sleeve because of the way I had split off everything. So here's how it went:
For the Right side:
Now time for The Sleeves. I initially picked up 25 sts for each sleeve and started the sleeves. As they grew longer, something was just wrong with my sleeves - they were oddly puffy! So, I ripped out my sleeves and started again. I found that I had to initially start with a different number of stitches for each sleeve because of the way I had split off everything. So here's how it went:
For the Right side:
- Picked up 16 sts for a total of 118 sts.
- R-Sleeve Row 1: k11, p3, k104 (118 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 2: Decrease every 5 sts (for a total of 20 sts) except for the p sts & last 3 sts (last 3 sts = k, k2tog) (98 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 3-5 (3 rows): k the knits, p the purls (98 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 6: Decrease every 5 sts (for a total of 18 sts) except for the p sts (82 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 7: k4, k2tog, k, k2tog, p3, k70 (80 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 8-20 (13 rows): k the knits, p the purls (80 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 21: k8, k2tog, k, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k2, *k6, k2tog*, repeat * 5 times (71 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 22: k14, p3, k2tog, k to end (70 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 23-110 (88 rows): k the knits, p the purls
- *R-Sleeve Row 111: k15 (k to the last 2 start), k2tog tbl, p3, k to end (69 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 112: k16, p3, k2tog, k to end* (68 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 113-120 (8 rows): repeat R-Sleeve Row 111 & 112 alternately, decreasing a total of 8 sts (60 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 121-140 (20 rows): k the knits, p the purls (60 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 141: k13 (k to the last 2 start), k2tog tbl, p3, k to end (59 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 142: k14, p3, k2tog, k to end* (58 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 143-150 (8 rows): repeat R-Sleeve Row 141 & 142 alternately, decreasing a total of 8 sts (50 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 151-180 (30 rows): k the knits, p the purls (50 sts)
- R-Sleeve Row 181-190 (10 rows); k. p to create a 1x1 ribbing (50 sts)
- Bind off.
For the Left side:
- Picked up 29 sts for a total of 131 sts.
- L-Sleeve Row 2: k8, k2tog, k1, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k3, *k8, k2tog*, repeat * 9 times (119 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 3: k8, k2tog, p3, k to the end (118 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 4-5 (2 rows): k the knits, p the purls
- L-Sleeve Row 6: k4, k2tog, k, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k2, 8k5, k2tog*, repeat * 8 times (99 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 7: k10, k2tog, p3, k to end (98 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 8-9 (2 rows): k the knits, p the purls
- L-Sleeve Row 10: k4, k2tog, k3, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k2 , *k4, k2tog*, repeat * 7 times (84 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 11: k4, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2, k2tog, p3, k to the end (80 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 12-20 (9 rows): k the knits, p the pursl
- L-Sleeve Row 21: k8, k2tog, k, k2tog, p3, k2tog, k2, *k8, k2tog*, repeat * 5 times (70 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 22-110 (89 rows): k the knits, p the purls
- L-Sleeve Row 111: k6, k2tog, p3, k to end (69 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 112: k7, p3, k2tog tbl, k to end* (68 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 113-120: repeat R-Sleeve Row 111 & 112 alternately, decreasing a total of 8 sts (60 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 121-140 (20 rows): k the knits, p the purls (60 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 141: k4, k2tog, p3, k to end* (59 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 142: k3, p3, k2tog, k to end* (58 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 143-150 (8 rows): repeat R-Sleeve Row 141 & 142 alternately, decreasing a total of 8 sts (50 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 151-180 (30 rows): k the knits, p the purls (50 sts)
- L-Sleeve Row 181-190 (10 rows); k. p to create a 1x1 ribbing (50 sts)
- Bind off.
After spending nearly six (6!) months, I finally have another hand-made sweater! I learned a lot from this sweater like: 1) how I should've used the helix method instead of knitting by rows (there's a "line" on my sweater that won't block out 😒 - thankfully, it's on the "side" of my sweater so, it's not so obvious when I'm wearing it - well, in all honesty, it depends on which angle you're looking at me to see the "line" 😜), 2) I need to better plan out my sweater (versus just winging it at every step of the way) so that I can avoid mistakes (like the line in my sweater or re-doing sleeves three (3!) times!) or ripping out large chunks of my sweater (multiple times) to get it (mostly) right and 3) never finish a sweater at the peak of one of the most humid summers on record so I can take pictures and post my blog in a much more timely manner 😜.
Here's my final steps:
Played yarn chicken 😌 ... And ... (barely) WON)! 👍🤘👊
It's been washed and being blocked on my Coco Knits Gauge Cloth & Inspinknity blocking wires (looks like that line isn't gonna be blocked out 🙄)
Here's what it looks like completely washed and dried:
Overall, I'm happy with the sweater (although I wish it'd be a bit cooler so I can wear it) and am looking forward to another sweater adventure! 😍
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