Saturday, November 26, 2016

Giving Thanks

This seems to have been an exceptional year for me and I would like to give Thanks to:
1. My wonderful Aunty and Uncle who are always so thoughtful and very loving.  I really do have the best Aunty and Uncle in the whole wide world. :)  And to show you how lucky I am, they got me this for my b-day this year:
I L-O-V-E stitch markers and now I have L-O-T-S of coiless stitch markers now in an amazing array of colors!! 

2. My brother, Mom and Hubby who always support me in my knitting adventures (including pretending to appreciate my knitted goods (bro), taking me to the yarn shop (bro and Hubby), letting me pick up "accessory" bags "for my purse" (when he really knows they're really more knitting project bags for my purse) (Hubby) and helping with making bags and other sewing related items to hold my projects in (Mom)). :)

3. My Yarn Buddy, B & Yarn Fairy, D! :)  Without my Yarn Buddy and Yarn Fairy, my stash would remain stagnant! ;)

4. My father-in-law and buddies: A, D, B, Fran & I-san (basically, everyone whom I have been able to make something for so far) who let me use them as (live) models to test out various patterns, let me test (& stretch!) my knitting skills, and most importantly use my knitted goods. :)  I hope they are/have enjoyed their hand-knitted goods.  I have already heard from some of them about how glad they were to be able to use the item I made for them (as it kept them warm when they needed it) and that they've gotten compliments about their hand-knitted goods (*wow*!). ♡♡♡

There are so many other things and people that I'm also very thankful for but the above four (4) groups of people are ones that I really wanted to highlight this year because I just wanted to let them know how much I really do love and appreciate them (and I feel that I don't get a chance to say it (enough) to them). ♡♡♡♡♡

Love y'all! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


  1. You are so sweet. I enjoy your blog. Very interesting, witty, informative and just a good read. Thank you.

    1. Awwww, D! :) Thank you so much! :) I'm glad you find this blog interesting and fun to read! ;) :P Love ya! :)
