Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tabi No Monogatari Part 3

I'm finally done with the heel and ready to get to the leg and cuff! :)   So, how did I do it?  Well, from where I last left off, here what I did:

  1. I purled to the first wrapped stitch (and purled that wrapped stitch) then turned my work around so that I am now on the right (knit) side.
  2. Then I knitted to the next wrapped stitch (and knitted that wrapped stitch) the turned my work around so that I'm now on the "wrong" (purl) side.
  3. I continued to do Steps #1 & 2 until all the wrapped stitches were done.  For me, the last "side" was the right (knit) side.
  4. From there, I started knitting in the round again (hence, "connecting" the heel to the rest of the sock).  To make sure I don't have a hole where my heel connects to the top of the sock (the instep part), I picked up a stitch on the first row that I knitted in the round then knitted that extra stitch to the "last" stitch of the heel part so that I don't have any more extra stitches. :P

Here's how it looks so far:

Scary ... it's coming together now and is really resembling a real sock!!

Thankfully, my hubby wants a sport height sock (basically the sock just needs to be slightly higher than the top of his shoes or basically ankle length).  Almost there! :)

And lastly, thanks to, here's a picture of the kind of sock I'm in the process of making:
I'm done with the Toe, Foot and Heel ... now I just have the Leg & Cuff left to do!! :)  Soon, perhaps this lone sock will have a partner (and I can give a go at making a top-down sock)! :P

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