Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Up-date: Harinezumi (ハリネズミ)

You may recall that I had found a super cute Harinezumi (ハリネズミ) pattern from a previous blog.  Well, they have be delivered and named.  Please meet:
Hi, my name is Pokey because harinezumi's are pokey.

Hi, my name is snowball because I love snowballs.☃️

Also, please meet:
Purl and Pudgy has found a new home with my lil' bro and my new sissy-in-law. 💒

I think my sweeties are hinting for shiny ones now (because and I quote: "wouldn't they be soooo cool if it was shiny and glittery (and pink)?") ... We'll see if I start making them a family of harinezumis ... 🤔😉